4 Seasons of Life’s Transitions

4 seasons - CopyOften times, we find ourselves in the fast lane of our life, with the green light always on for us as we soar to success within whatever we are choosing to do. It goes without saying that the red light comes on and we are called forth to put the brakes on. This is what happens within the transitions in our life, and also what I refer to when we need to take pause. As many of us are driven to achieve, it can be a time of great angst when the red light goes on. We are at a loss as to how to process that life has done this to us, that it’s always something, and so on. This is when mind shifts are in order when you are in a season of transition, having been there allows me to share a few lessons that I have learned and now refer to these red lights as “gifts”:

  1.  As much as we are in denial, life happens FOR us, not TO us. We are reminded that we cannot be in control of everything we desire and when we’re on that fast track, if we don’t slow down, life will show us to take pause. This is a discipline I have learned, as life showed me otherwise and I had to resist saying “why me” or “always something”. These are self-sabotaging thoughts which could halt everything we have chosen to create for ourselves. Create your own red light, which is a temporary pause, to appreciate what you have, instead of what you don’t. It’s a choice we can make and one that reminds us that we indeed have control over the pace of life. It’s also a great thing to take a step back to observe what is happening in life and then move forward.
  2. It’s a wonderful gift in life when we realize our true calling and move forward. What I know for sure is that life is a journey and that we are all on our own path and measuring up to someone else’s success is another way to sabotage all that you are in experiencing in YOUR life! It is not a race … take your time and enjoy what shows up along the way.
  3. When the unexpected circumstances come your way and we have no choice but to stop at the red light that shines bright in front of us, this is when you truly must be in present moment awareness. I have seen this red light more often than not in the last 5 years, during a time when I was soaring in the fast lane of my evolvement within my true calling, and what I know for sure is that there were lessons learned from each transition. I use that word “transition” for my circumstances never stopped me. I found another way to stay in touch, in tune and discover new opportunities. When I couldn’t speak due to lip cancer surgery, I paused with my radio shows for a while, and discovered a plethora of writing opportunities which opened up a whole new world for me. When I fell down some stairs and hurt my back and then 2 years later, dealt with knee surgery from the impact of the fall, I continued to focus on my radio shows and of course writing. I might not have been able to attend social functions or networking events, but the gift of technology allowed me to stay the course and stay in touch.
  4. Play full out in life! Are you on the field, participating, or the spectator who watches others, or even worse, sitting on the bench not even realizing that a game is going on? Which do you choose? Stop playing small or living on autopilot through life. There are far more rewards by playing full out and play big in life!

In essence, honor your unique gifts and allow them to unfold naturally. Life has a divine way of knowing exactly when the time is right and along the way, take time to smell the roses! 


To your success,
