5 things

5 Things to Try This Month / August

Well, this year, one of my resolutions was to start this new series 5 Things To Try This Month! Come to the site at the beginning of each month to see some ideas and activities I recommend, and be sure to let me know if you have any to add to the list in the comments below. Enjoy!

5 things



This doesn’t mean you need to be highly active on every social media network that exists. This does means you need to pick a few platforms you actually like (and platforms your ideal reader frequents) and make the most of them. Perhaps you’ll challenge yourself to schedule most tweets for Twitter. Maybe you’ll start a Facebook group. Maybe you’ll be more active on Instagram or SnapChat. Try this .



Connect with at least one new business person this month. Expand your network of support! It’s so important that we have a great support network around ourselves – we all need people to champion us, especially when times are tough. So work on building your network up this month. Pick up the phone, go for a coffee, connect with a new business contact and support each other this month!



We all know that it is easier and less expensive to keep clients happy than to constantly have to replace lost clients with new ones. Keeping clients happy and engaged is what helps our entrepreneurial world go round. Plus it feels really awesome giving value to other people in a way that keeps them coming back. Send some gratitude their way with a hand written thank you card. Have fun with this. Buy some nice stationary, put extra thought into your note. Maybe you have so many customers that it would be too challenging to do this for every one. In that case, just pick a few who you really appreciate serving. Customers almost never experience this level of personal gratitude. What a great way to build an even deeper relationship with them!



So many of us end up drifting, because we don’t have a game plan for how we’re going to achieve our goals. Spend some time focusing on what you want to have achieved in 3 months time and then work backwards and plan how you’re going to do it and the actions you need to take every week to make it happen. This might seem like a time consuming task, but it’s so worth it. If you fail to plan then you’re really planning to fail!




Entrepreneurs have a unique spirit about them. By choosing to be an entrepreneur, we’ve decided to write our own script and be the hero of our own story. When we get to the end of our day and check off every task on our To Do list, it can feel as though we’ve just conquered a dragon. Victory! But sometimes, there are days when it feels like we haven’t been able to make any progress at all and the dragon has conquered us.

For this reason, I recommend writing an “I did it” list at the end of every day. Record everything that you actually did achieve that day – whether or not it was on your To Do list. I find that so often I get to the end of my day feeling like I should have made more progress on my never-ending list of things to do, but when I take the time to actually reflect on all the things I actually did get done, I’m amazed. Every day, so many little opportunities, connections, and achievements can happen – things we couldn’t have possibly planned “to get done.” When you take the time to look for these things, you realize just how much life is working for your good. It’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note.

I Did It-CTA



About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. Great advice! I need to optimize social media better and be more consistent. Also I love writing down my goals, too! *thegoodthingscomin.wordpress.com

    1. Awesome Shannon! you should also consider keeping an “I did it” list, It’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note.

  2. I want to do the I did it list so that means I need to do all rest first

    1. of course not Candy, you can choose just one if you want.

  3. I totally need a to-do list! And I do need to pay more attention to other social platforms that I have neglected.

    1. To-do lists are great and keeps you productive Kim, you should also consider keeping an “I did it” list, It’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note.

  4. I don’t think people know how much clients enjoy thank you cards! I used to do this at my old job, and clients always had a great response to this.

    1. Emails are great but people really enjoy something tangible they can hold in their hands.

  5. I guess in a way I have an “I did it” list because my to-do list gets checked off. I LOVE checking things off the list!

    1. That’s awesome Liz, so many people compile a to-do list and never get around to accomplish anything on it.

  6. I am so new. Thanks for sharing! You have given me ideas on how to help myself.

    1. Glad you liked it Miranda!

  7. Writing down my “game plan” is definitely something I need to start doing going forward.

    1. Louise, I’ve notice lately that if something doesn’t get written down it does’t get done, so I try religiously to write down my game plan.

  8. This is great advice! I think it’s important to take not of the things you have accomplished. We can always use a little pay in the back.

    1. Yes Roxy, and it’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note.

  9. Ooo! I like the idea of an “I did it” list! Brilliant!

    1. It’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note. don’t forget to grab your free I-Did-it list download.

  10. Love this! Every single thing on this list is something I can do without feeling overwhelmed.

    1. Awesome Jessica, glad you liked it!

  11. These are really great ideas! Thanks for sharing this 🙂

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