7 Powerful Tools To Improve Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest just keeps on growing and at 70 million users, there’s no end in sight to its growth anytime soon.

Once you’ve got the hang on pins and boards and repinning, you might wonder what else there is to Pinterest (I did). I’ve scoured the web to find some of the most useful tools to making pinning easy and fun, and some helpful tips for your Pinterest marketing strategy.

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7 Tools to improve your Pinterest marketing strategy

Hopefully you’ll find some tips in this section that you haven’t come across before.

OneSet up a business page

If you jumped into Pinterest early, you might still be using a personal account for your business. Pinterest has now added business pages, and you can easily convert your old personal page. Your Pinterest profile won’t look any different to other users, but you get some built-in analytics to help you understand which of your pins are the most popular.Pinterest Marketing Strategy

TwoHow to easily & quickly add pins to Twitter and Facebook

Once you’ve created your pin share it immediately on Facebook. Do this when you think your audience is engaged on those two socials and expect to get noticed more! To share your pins on Facebook, click the pin you want to share, and on the top right corner you’ll see the Facebook share grey button (as shown below) and click on that. The rest is self-explanatory.

When sharing on Facebook it will be shared on your Facebook personal timeline, not your Facebook page which is for business.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy

ThreeArticle Rich Pins

I’m still in awe by how many bloggers and publications have not taken advantage of this feature. Article Pins can show information about the article, like its title, site name, description and author.

Everyone is trying to get more eyeballs on their pins and the Article Rich pins will help you stand out on a pinner’s home feed and therefore get your more click throughs. More importantly it helps you rank higher on Pinterest’s search engine.

Click here to sign up for your Article Rich pins.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy

FourPin Search: Chrome extension

I’m a big fan of Google’s image search feature so I was really excited to find this Chrome extensionPin Search adds a search button to each pin you view on Pinterest (it appears when you hover) that lets you perform a Google image search based on that picture.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy


FiveGroup board settings

If you are the owner of a group board make sure you keep tabs on what pinners are pinning on that board.  If you ignore your group board activity I can guarantee you’ve overlooked spam and irrelevant content pinners are pinning which will result in your losing followers.

Go to your group board settings and decide which boards you want to receive an email notification from when someone pins on that board. This is particularly helpful for gathering market intelligence and for seeing what other content is popular out there.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy


SixPinterest’s analytics

One of the frequently asked questions I get is: what’s the benefit of converting your Pinterest personal account to a business account?

If you create a business account, you’ll receive updates on future products and services that will provide more powerful ways of reaching and understanding your audience on Pinterest.

One of the features you’ll benefit from is receiving analytics on how your pins are performing through Pinterest’s analytics. You just need to verify your account and you’ll instantly see which pins are pinned from your website or blog. Knowing this type of information helps you to see what’s working and what’s not.

SevenInstall Pin it buttons

If you want to build your followers you’ll need to add the Pin it buttons. This encourages Pinners to pin content from your website and blogs. The more who people pin your content the better and you will rank on Pinterest’s search engine.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy

If this is overwhelming for you and you feel like you are going around and around with Pinterest and not getting anywhere I have created this epic course Profits on Pinterest, that will take you through a step-by step  process on how to get massive traffic and sales on Pinterest.

Want to learn more about how to boost revenue, and grow your followers on Pinterest? Then join the Profits on Pinterest. This is the ultimate Pinterest marketing course for small business owners and marketers.  


What makes this course different is that it’s updated on a regular basis and offers lifetime access. 


Don’t delay, enroll today. 


To your success,


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About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. I’ve been trying to focus on my pinterest this month, and I switched to a business account and rich pins. It’s been great! Now I just have to find some group boards to join.

    1. That’s great, there are allot of awesome group boards on Pinterest. Good luck!

  2. Awesome. Pinterest is on my list to explore a good way to use it in my business. Adding this to my board!

    1. Glad to hear! Thanks for reading!

  3. Group boards are EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

  4. Great guide, I am already doing some of these, but now i’m going to share my pins to facebook for even more!

    1. Thanks Diana, good luck!

  5. Thanks for this guide! I need to find some group boards to join, many of the ones I’ve followed don’t have clear instructions about how to be added. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. I recently wrote a post with step-by-step guide on How to Find and Join a Group Board on Pinterest here’s the link http://sumo.ly/b56h

      1. Thanks! I am on pingroupie now!

        1. That’s awesome, good luck!

  6. Great post. I especially enjoyed the tip about “group board” settings. I will be developing a few groups boards in the future and definitely needed this reminder.

    1. Glad it was helpful Erica, good luck!

  7. This is a great post on Pinterest! Thank you for sharing! 😀

  8. Thanks for sharing these great tips, lovely lady! You’re right about the analytics, it’s so important. Keep up the good work and live unstoppable!

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