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Having a social media strategy is key to using platforms effectively. You don’t want to post updates without thinking first. You need to have a plan.

How To Create a Social Media Strategy

Do you put real thought and effort into your social media updates? Or do you find that you just schedule posts at random? Posting any old update is not a social media strategy. What you post on social media should serve a purpose and help you meet your goals. You need to have a plan in place …

A social media library is a database (library) full of social media posts, status updates, links and other content you use on your social media platforms.

How to Build a social media library

First, let’s look at what on earth a social media library is. Is it a place to check into where you can pull social media posts off the shelf? It sort of is. A social media library is a database (library) full of social media posts, status updates, links and other content that you may …

Today we’ll find your perfect times for posting to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and statistically for posting to Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn.

How to Find The Best Times to Post on Social Media

There are so many articles that tell you statistically what the best times to post all of your social media updates are. But what about you, individually, and your own social media? How can you tell when your own followers are online and most likely to engage with your posts, rather than just following statistics? Luckily there …

I’m taking you through the 7 steps to kick-start your social media. These seven steps are the most important steps in the process.

7 Steps to Kick-Start Your Social Media

I write a lot about online marketing and social media and I love watching what everyone is doing. It’s so inspiring what some are putting out there, and then it’s sad to see others struggle. Social media is a wonderful tool for business, but it can also be quite overwhelming and confusing. I see some …

Are wondering how to get more Pinterest followers? In this article, I’ll share 10 tips on how you can get more Pinterest followers and promote your business

10 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers

Are wondering how to get more Pinterest followers? Are you looking to increase your Pinterest engagement and drive traffic? In this article, I’ll share 10 tips on how you can get more Pinterest followers and promote your business. Why More Pinterest Followers? More Pinterest followers can help you get more likes, repins, comments, clicks and impressions. This …