Showing 58 Result(s)

How to Move Pass Fear

  So many of us miss out on so many great opportunities, because of fear we’re scared of the things that might go wrong. We let the fear of failure hold us back. We are unable to move pass fear. I think it’s fair to say that the person who doesn’t make mistakes is unlikely …


 Harry Bullis, former chair of the board of General Mills, used to give his salespeople this advice:”Forget about the sales you hope to make and concentrate on the service you want to render.” The moment people’s attention is centered on service to others, they become more dynamic, more forceful, and harder to resist. That is why …

10 Tips For Improving Your Memory

How often has your memory embarrassed you? Most of the time these lapses are slight and insignificant, but what happens if you start to forget bigger things? Usually it doesn’t mean you are starting dementia, but simply that you have to de-clutter your thoughts and get it back into focus by improving your memory. Here …


Success today does not require sensational new ideas. It does require a return to some fundamental, but often neglected, principles. Here are 10 unused keys to success by Dr. Roger Fritz. Robert Gilbert. Ph.D., is a professor of sports psychology at Montclair State University and is a public speaker, motivational coach, sports coach and author of  The Power of …