Sales Are About Making Friends

Sales Are About Making Friends

Have you ever encountered a salesperson that was grouchy and rude? Did you do business with them? Absolutely not! The client has to like you, and feel as if they are receiving the best you have to give, and you have their interests at heart.

Dale Carnegie made a killing with his book and coaching series, How To Win Friends and Influence People. The point of his entire thesis is that people just want to feel valued and secure. If you can do that for them you may not make that particular sale, but they will not forget you and will return – you have made a friend. That’s why sales are about making friends 

How do you go about accomplishing this?

#1. Address them by name. People like to hear their name spoken – so do it repeatedly.

#2. Listen to them. Listen not only with your ears to what they are saying, but listen to what they don’t say. Ask questions.

#3. Get to know them on a personal basis. Don’t focus on closing the sale; focus on the person and their needs. Encourage them to open up about themselves and what they want. Find out what interests them.

#4. Use humor. Smile with your eyes as well as your mouth.  Be careful that the humor is not demeaning or off-color. Inappropriate humor is a real turn-off.

#5. Be genuine. People learn to trust others they feel are sincere. Don’t say things you don’t mean just to get a sale. Say things from the heart – not from the wallet.

#6.Think about what the client wants and not what you want. Their ideas may be different from yours. You can offer them suggestions as to why you think something will work better than what they want, but don’t push the point if they choose differently. You are servicing them; they are not there to accommodate you.

If you follow these tips you have opened up an opportunity to form a friendship that will lead to other friendships, and other sales. You have taken a sales challenge and made it an opportunity – and isn’t that the goal of a successful salesperson?


To Your Success!
