What to Do Immediately After Getting Fired (or You Quit)

Ever wonder what to do immediately after getting fired (or quit)? Well, life transitions are incredibly fragile times. Especially when they involve being fired or quitting a job you’ve had for years. Emotions often go crazy. Feelings of fear, uncertainty and panic start to flood. We’ve all been there.

What to Do Immediately After Getting Fired (or You Quit)

But it also happens to be the most powerful opportunity many of us are given when it comes to doing work we’re passionate about – if used properly.

The problem is that we tend to make awful decisions when grounded in fear. Long-term thinking flies out the window and we immediately go on survival mode. “What can I do right this second to solve this seemingly terrible problem?” But in sprinting for an immediate solution, we can completely miss the chance of a lifetime.

We need to change that.

It’s time to talk about the smart thing to do the moment you decide it’s time to go (and what to do in the weeks and months leading up to it, so you don’t panic when it’s time to change).

(don’t forget there’s a free worksheet to help you through this process. Get it here)

After endless my own experiences and those close to me, I’ve realized there is only one thing worth doing the moment you quit, get fired or make any big transition. It’s something I tell every one of the now thousands of folks who have faced this challenge and come to me for help. Ready for it?

The one thing everyone must do the moment they get fired or quit is…



Don’t do a damn thing. Nothing at all. Got that?

For at least the first 2-3 weeks (and ideally a few months) DO NOT do any of the following:

  • Find any job you can get your hands on
  • Start interviewing like crazy
  • Take the first offer that comes to you
  • Panic and run around in circles

The worst thing you can do, and what almost everyone does, is scramble to immediately find something else.

Avoid the temptation. All this is going to do is put you in the same place you were before you left. That is not what I call progress.

First off, deal with the fear by realizing a couple things:

  1. It’s never as bad as you think.You’re not going to starve and go homeless. And there’s likely something a lot more interesting in store.
  2. You have more options than you realize. If you got fired, then you’re likely getting severance or unemployment. Okay great, you’re not going to die of hunger. If you quit or otherwise chose your transition, remember you saw this coming. So calm down. Take a breath or two.

Now that you’ve stopped freaking out, realize that you have the rare opportunity to be unhurried and intentional about what you do next.

You have a clear and open window to actually understand what you’re here to do. To slow down, think, reflect and take stock of what you’ve learned and do something meaningful with it.

This opportunity is better than gold. The problem is that most people piss it away.

Respect it. Then do something with it. Here are a few ideas…


5 Ways to Do Nothing After Getting Fired (and have a chance at finding your passion in the process):

  1. Travel.Take off and get as far out of town as possible. Without experiencing an entirely new way of doing things, I would surely still be listening to what everyone else says, and I would never be where I am now.
  2. Go alone or grab someone close and just explore. The more foreign your destination, the better. Get out for as long as you can. At least a day, but ideally a few weeks or even a month. You’d be surprised how much cheaper many places are around the world than your hometown and regular fixed cost-filled routine.
  3. Write.Buy a journal or open up a blank doc on your computer and begin to write what comes to mind. Make it a daily routine. Better yet, do it on your travel adventure.
  4. Start in the morning when your mind is clear and take notes throughout the day as things come to mind. Maybe you’ll come back to what you wrote. Maybe you won’t. What matters is you start to reflect. The key is to constantly get your ideas out of your head. Only then will you be able to make real sense of them.
  5. Get inspired.Surround yourself with people you admire or go off all alone with your favorite music or motivating movies. Listen to one of Tony Robbins’ CD programs such as Get The Edge or attend one of his seminars like Unleash the Power Within. Pick anything that’s been on your list or you know will get you inspired. Take note of where your mind takes you.
  6. Dream.When was the last time you sat down and dreamed huge, without someone telling you were crazy? Go out in nature, maybe lie out on your back and stare at the clouds. Think of the craziest, biggest (and smallest) dreams you’ve ever imagined. What did you use to imagine before the world told you it wasn’t possible? Go back to your days as a five-year-old if you must. Write everything down. No filtering. Notice how it feels.
  7. Learn about yourself.All these steps are designed to help you better understand who you are – to help you find the things you may have never realized you were looking for. To understand your values, strengths, natural talents, passions and figuring out how you actually define. Something that most people never make the time to do. That’s not going to be you. Learn with no expectation and no agenda. Only under those conditions is where one’s purpose can emerge.

You might also want to check out My How to Earn Your First $1,000 From Your Passions course. Most of the above steps, and a ton more are covered in some deep detail. It’s not a bad place to start, especially to serve as a road map during a time where specific guidance and step-by-step directions can help a ton. But more important than anything, start learning, any way you can. More details below.

“Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” – Washington Irving

Realize you have the biggest opportunity in the world, after getting fired.

Losing your job and getting fired is not a disaster. Quitting is not the end of everything certain in life. There is a better path for you. Now you get to find it. Take it seriously, and it just might change your life.

Or you could just roll right into whatever comes your way next. That’d be the easy way. But I think you know better by now.

And beware, many of you will read this and perhaps feel inspired for the moment, but when things start getting real you’re going to be tempted to scramble in a fury. This is normal. Recognize it, but don’t give it control. It is not as bad as you think. Find a reason for it. Let it serve you and be inspired to do something with it.

When I lost my soul-crushing job two years ago, I went straight to the ATM to get some money out for dinner that night. That’s when it really hit me – that was the biggest my bank account would be in a long time. It was at that moment when I wish I had the advice I’m giving you.

After some painful worst-case thinking, I accepted my situation. I embraced it. Then I promised myself I wouldn’t do a thing for 3 months – no matter what. All I did was read, learned and explored.

I want the same for you.

Get used to it. Where we’re going, there’s no room for average.

So, are you ready to do nothing?

And if you want some very in-depth (and proven) guidance…

What to Do Immediately After Getting Fired (or You Quit)2

Check out Profit From Passion – a resource to find and do work you love

As mentioned above, I recently released an update version a powerful award-winning career change course called Profit From Passion: An Unconventional Guide to Finding Passion and Building a Career around Work You’re passionate about. I’ve spent the last few years doing countless case studies and interviews in developing the course. It’s turned out to be pretty useful tool for those of you at the “do nothing” purpose-finding stage (or are still at that job you know isn’t you).


I want you to be successful!

Of course, only consider buying it if you truly plan to do the work involved. For those of you ready for some self-discovery, this may be a good place to start.

It’s time to start doing what matters. When is now a good time?

Check out all the details or try the course risk-free here.



About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.